
This section is extremely helpful for drawing and or creating new graphics, notes or details that the user may want to use within a layout.


Allows you to draw shapes, lines and text.


Allows for insertion and editing of user defined text


Allows for insertion and editing of user defined lines


Allows for insertion and editing of user defined rectangle objects


Allows for insertion and editing of user defined ellipse objects.


Graphics are geometrical objects and figures used for the layout.


Allows user to draw a triangle in the layout


Allows user to draw a diamond in the layout


Allows user to draw a hexagon in the layout

Polygon, Bubble and Cloud

Allows user to draw a multiple sided figure is clockwise fashion

Arc 3 Point

User can begin with starting point, center point for the arc and an end point to complete the arc.

Arc Center

User can begin with a starting point then click the radius point to create an arc and an end point to complete the graphic.

Arc Angle

User draws an arc using the angle distance defined by the user to create an arc.


Gives a library of user defined graphics and CAD details that can be inserted into a layout.


Can save note or symbol into graphics library for later use also can be organized by user defined subjects for easy houskeeping.


Shows CAD details, organized by user defined subjects.


Saves current settings as default for when drawing graphics or text in future.


Ability to add text and make adjustments similar to Microsoft Word.

Text Colour

Allows to pick a text colour and background

Foreground is the text foreground colour

Background is the text background colour.


Can pick thickness and pattern of the shape/line that has been drawn. Thickness varies from 0.5 - 10 and line pattern 4 options: solid, dash, dash dot, dot


Allows a user to specify a leader or leaders with arrow head on a specific object.

At this point if you have existing leader can input from graphic library, copy and paste multiple if want more then one or duplicates can adjust colour, line thickness (0.5-10) line pattern (solid, dash, dash dot, dot)

How does leader work? Once a graphic is added right click on it then select leader line you can add as many as you need


Adjust colour of line and colour fill.


On/off allows to add diagonal lines through graphics

Cross- creates a cross hatch fill


Allows you to adjust the line size