
When a user has selected isPlan the interface will look like below image;

Please take note of the following options users have on the left hand side of the screen: 



  • iStruct® allows users to edit information using drop downs. A number of choices can be set up in options as defaults {link to options}


  • Ability to import DXF, DWG, or PDF files into iStruct® user can pick a page #, import snap points, solid background

Embed CAD

  • iStruct® allows users to edit information using drop downs. A number of choices can be set up in options as defaults {link to options}

Remove Imports

  • Will remove imported drawing(s) from isPlan® layout

Export DXF

  • This feature allows users to export DXF, DWG and PDF files

Export IFC

  • Allows user to export a open file format for BIM (Building Information Modelling)

Quick Access Toolbar

This quick access toolbar can be positioned above or below the ribbon.

Refresh display

  • When user clicks refresh display it will clear away any extra items on your drawing example an extra red cross from setting the origin


  • The command will cancel or reverse previous command
  • The drop down beside allows users to undo multiple steps at one time


  • This command allows users to reverse undo command
  • This allows users to redo any undone steps if no changes have been made